
SKS Rifle

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Overview of the SKS Rifle

The SKS Rifle has a conventional layout, with a wooden stock and no pistol grip. The SKS is a gas-operated weapon that has a spring-loaded bolt carrier and a gas piston rod that work the action via gas pressure pushing against them. Also, it has a “tilting bolt” action locking system. The SKS is shorter and less powerful than the semi-automatic rifles that preceded it, such as the Soviet SVT-40. However, the SKS has a 4-inch longer barrel than AK-series rifles, which replaced it; as a result, it has a slightly higher muzzle velocity.

The SKS Rifle is a Soviet semi-automatic carbine chambered for the 7.62×39mm round, designed in 1943 by Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov. Its complete designation, SKS-45, is an initialism for Samozaryadnyj Karabin sistemy Simonova, 1945 (Russian: Самозарядный карабин системы Симонова, 1945; Self-loading Carbine of (the) Simonov system, 1945), or SKS 45. In the early 1950s, the Soviets took the SKS carbine out of front-line service and replaced it with the AK-47; however, the SKS remained in second-line service for decades. It is still used as a ceremonial arm today.


  • Place of Origin: Soviet Union
  • Action: Semi-automatic
  • Weight: 8 oz
  • Length: 40″
  • Barrel Length: 20″
  • Action: Stroke gas piston, titling bolt
  • Rate of fire: 40 (rd/min)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 735 m/s
  • Effective Range: 440yd

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